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You're New! That's great, we love new people.

What To Expect When You Visit

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Hope Covenant Church a great one! So here's a little info about what to expect...

What we're all about...

Hope Covenant Church is a community of people striving to make the world a better and more just place through the power of God.


We prioritize community, outreach, and diversity because we believe, throughout the tapestry of scripture, God prioritizes these things.


What does that mean? It means it doesn't matter how you dress, theologize, or vote. There's a place for you at Hope.

We are a place to ask hard questions, deconstruct, and doubt. We are place to seek understanding and grow deeper. We are a place to cross the aisle of different beliefs, different backgrounds, and different world-views to come together in community. Because we believe there is power in diversity.


Simply put, we are a group of imperfect people, who may not always agree on everything, choosing to go on a journey together anyway and we're always looking for fellow travelers.

Image by Jason Leung

Meet Our Pastor: Jon

We're proud to introduce you to our dedicated pastor, Jon. At the age of 31, Jon brings a fresh and compassionate perspective to our church community.


He's not just a pastor; he's also a loving husband and father to three young boys, aged 7, 3, and 1.

Jon's journey towards spiritual leadership led him to earn his Master of Divinity (Mdiv) at North Park Theological Seminary. His education and experiences have equipped him to guide our congregation with wisdom and understanding.

Beyond his role within our church, you might find him sharing his insights on his platform, @wholeparent. Through this platform, Jon is actively working to rewrite the narrative for Christian parents, offering valuable guidance and support.

Jon's dedication to both our church and his other passions in life embody the values of inclusivity, justice, and unity that we hold dear at Hope Covenant Church.


We're honored to have him as our pastor, mentor, and guide as we journey together towards a more compassionate world.

What about my Kids?

Jesus said “let the children come to me” and we take that seriously.


We have NO problem having children in the sanctuary during service.


But we also totally understand if you want space to worship without your kiddos right there with you. This is why we have multiple options set up so that parents and families can decide what works best for them.

Learn more about what options we have for your kids by clicking the button below.

Acoustic Guitar

What's Service Like?

In total, our service is about 45-60 minutes in length and begins at 10:00am.


The service consist of contemporary music with a small band or just acoustic guitar, a 25 minute sermon or message, a time of prayer, and communion on the first Sunday of every month.


Throughout the summer we will occasionally hold service outdoors when the weather is nice.


We are a relatively small community with our average attendance ranging from 40-80 people on any given Sunday. This creates a beautiful space for that "local church" feel, where, over time, the faces grow familiar and the building starts to feel like home. 

Coffee and Snacks

After the service, we invite you to join us in the Cafe for snacks and coffee.


This is the perfect opportunity to meet and get to know the best part of Hope... the people who call it home.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Date at a cafe

Chat with Jon 

If you'd like to talk with, or even meet with, our lead pastor; Jon,  before checking out our Sunday morning service feel free to reach out here!

Thinking about visiting? Let us know!

Thanks for letting us know!

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